Hi, welcome to my Blogger! I’m Rizky, and here’s the part where I supposedly describe myself. And I thought, what better place to start than right at the very beginning?
Well, let me just tell you that I was very fat as a baby. I was born at the mind-blowing weight of 4.2 kg. So that was that: I was born on the 02th of March, and I’m a Pisces. Just saying. ;)
As a kid, I was very handsome.I can officially tell you now that I am 90% water and 10% nerd. And I’m proud of it. Hehe.
I would say that my first big challenge in life was surviving my first days in Bukit Duri 03 School Jakarta. Waktu itu, aku masih kelas 4 SD, dan baru aja pindah ke Bukit Duri 03.Disinilah aku struggle to find my place in the school, and among friends.Awal pertama pindah ke bukit duri 03 aku merasa malu saat perkenalan. Dan dari saat itu, aku belajar untuk bisa lebih mudah adaptasi ke situasi - situasi yang membuat “tidak percaya diri” atau sulit buat aku.
After SD, i begin Junior High School di SMPN 33, di SMPN 33 aku memulai mengikuti Organisasi Intra Sekolah, disitulah aku merasa percaya diri untuk bersosialisasi,i joined Ekskul Marawis,mengaji,team basket dll. Sampai akhirnya aku jadi ketua bendahara osis. aku belajar pentingnya membuka wawasan dan mencoba hal - hal baru.Time became an issue. With a whole lot of activities, membagi waktu antara sekolah, bermain, and hanging out with my friends jadi lebih susah. But somehow, I managed to go through my high school life still experiencing hal - hal yang wajib dialami seorang remaja; prom, crushes, etc. Although sometimes juggling things can be hard, it taught to multi-task and choose priorities, and shaped me to the person I am now. And now i start Senior High School Karya Guna Jurusan Technic Computer and Network
But enough about the general, usual, ordinary stuff. Here are some things most people don’t quite know about me.
I love green tea and Milk. I love Chicken. I love my style. and making all things neat . I love singing Music about Maudy Ayunda. I love sappy romantic love songs and the way they make me feel. I love mountains and beaches, and (sometimes) not having a care in the world.
But I don’t like uncontrollable storms. They make me feel as if the end of the world is coming. I hate wriggly creepy animals, and I rarely ever watch TV. I shudder at the thought of ghosts, and hate cold food. I hate being lied to, and getting my heart broken.
There are still a lot more, but I’ll keep it short as that. :)
I consider myself very lucky, and I am eternally grateful for the life, friends, parents, family, that God has given me. Right now, I am doing the things I love and loving every minute of it. This is it for now, but I hope you’ll keep following me on this journey!
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